Thursday, January 31, 2008

Practice News Story: Crime LDS Church

Burglary at Local LDS Church

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints meeting house at 9th North and 16th East in Logan was broken into last night. Police suspect juveniles were responsible for the crime. Two computers were stolen and the monitors were found smashed on the floor.

Sheriff Deputy Geoffrey Hasty reported that the break in happened last night or early this morning. Investigators used dogs to follow the sent and believe that the individuals entered through an open window and then unlocked a door. “The window is small enough that a juvenile would have to go through it but high enough that they would need assistance reaching it.” Hasty said. They have found fingerprints in the building and are following those leads.

“This is a safe neighborhood, nothing like this has happened before I think it was just kids having fun,” said resident Evelyn Breathwaite, 85. She lives across the parking lot from the meeting house and said she heard noise around 2 a.m. but had no reason to believe that anything was happening. She assumed that the noise was a garbage truck.

Bishop Lawrence (Larry) Shirk locked the building at around 11 p.m. last night and saw nothing out of the ordinary. However, he had left his office window open and that window was where the intruders entered. Robert (Bob) Knotz, the maintenance man, opened the building around 6 a.m. and was who found the broken monitors. He echoed a common feeling throughout the community saying, “I am just glad no one was hurt. I am ready to get back to fixing my (ceiling) tiles.”

1 comment:

Makell said...

Mckell - this is the other Makell. Good to see you online....

I thought I would let you know I left our first conversation on a comment on my blog for you to enjoy whenever you'd like.
Hope you had fun in California!