Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Email Pitch- Final


Dear Debra Hawkins,

The Cache Valley Area Investors Association meets every other week to teach members about smart investing and the philosophy that one can become financially independent working in any job you enjoy.

The CVAIA is a non-profit organization that meets in a non-threatening environment to discuss investment ideas and theories. They hold meetings every first and third Thursday of the month. CVAIA is calling for people who are interested and want to advance and change their lives. They invite anyone to join the e-mail list, cachevaia@gmail.com, and start attending meetings.

People in America have ample opportunity and options to be able to work in a job they enjoy. Understanding and managing passive income makes this possible. There are many associations which are helping educate people in how to truly become financially independent. Cache Valley Area Investors Association based in Logan, Utah, is one such organization. It was founded in July, 2007, and currently has 50 members.

McKell Blake
PR consultant

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